QUEST – Quick Enneagram Sorting Test
Below you will find Don Riso and Russ Hudson's QUEST (Quick Enneagram Sorting Test), translated from the original published in Riso-Hudson's book The Wisdom of the Enneagram,© 1999.Since this is an abbreviation and simplification of the original, more comprehensive test, you should consider finding your personality type among the three highest ranked types in your test result. Unlike many question-based tests, this test gives a slightly clearer sense of the driving force and energy of each type. You’re welcome to try below.
QUEST – Quick Enneagram Sorting Test
The test is based on selecting a section in group 1 and a section in group 2. These together give you an Enneagram type. If you feel uncertain about any choice, you can rank your results into most and less probably. In the end, this gives you a list of a few different Enneagram types. Do not over-analyze the content of the text – you do not have to agree with every word of the paragraph you choose. The main thing is that you recognize the descriptive paragraph. Read through the three paragraphs in the first group and select the one that is and has been most like you. Think about it as you have been during most of your adult life. Sometimes, if you are doubtful, it can help to think about how you were in your 20s.
The results in this test give a clue as to your type affiliation, but like any other personality test, you do not get a 100% guarantee. It is only when you get to know the system a little more in-depth that you can confirm your type.
Group 1
Paragraph A:
I have always been quite independent and taken care of myself. To me, it feels like life works best when you go straight to the point. I set goals, get involved, and want something to happen. I do not like to sit and wait – I want to achieve something big and affect my surroundings. I'm not necessarily looking for confrontations, but I'm not letting anyone ignore me either. For the most part, I know what I want and get what I want. I engage fully both in work and in fun.
Paragraph B:
I've always been pretty quiet, and I'm used to being alone. I don't usually pay much attention to myself socially, and I am rarely shy or assertive. I don't like taking the lead or competing with others. Many would probably say that I am something of a dreamer; a lot of my activities go on in my head. I can be quite content without feeling that I have to do something all the time.
Paragraph C:
I have always been very responsible and dedicated. I feel horrible if I do not keep what I promise and do what is expected of me. I want people to know that I am there for them and that I do what I think is best for them. I have often made great sacrifices for others, whether they know it or not. I am not good at taking care of myself – I do what needs to be done, and relax (and do what I want) if there is time left for that.
Group 2
Paragraph X:
I have generally had a positive outlook on life and believe that everything should work out for the best. I can usually find something to be enthusiastic about and different ways to employ myself. I like being with people and helping others feel good – I appreciate being able to share my well-being with them. (I don't always feel top-notch, but I usually try not to show it.) However, this positive attitude has sometimes meant that I have postponed my own problems for too long.
Paragraph Y:
I feel strongly about things – most people can decide if I'm upset about something. I can be on my guard with other people, but I am more sensitive than I pretend. I want to know where I stand in relation to others and who and what I can count on. It's pretty clear to most where they stand when it comes to me. When I am upset about something, I want feedback from others and that they should be as engaged as I am. I know the rules, but I don't want anyone to tell me what to do. I want to decide for myself.
Paragraph Z:
I am controlled and logical – I do not like to reveal my feelings or delve too deeply into them. I am effective – even perfectionist – when it comes to my work, and I prefer to work for myself. For personal problems or conflicts, I try not to let my actions be affected by my feelings. Some say I'm too chilly and distant, but I don't want private reactions to take my attention away from what's really important. I'm glad I don't usually show my reaction when others get on my nerves.
Now put together the letters for the two pieces that best matched your personality. Let's say you chose paragraph A in group 1 and paragraph Z in group 2. It generates the combination of AZ and represents the personality type that you are most likely to belong to.
If you found it difficult to choose between two pieces in one of the groups – for example, if you wanted to go back and forth between X and Z in group 2 – you could also try to put together your second choice combination, ie A and X, into one “second place type”. Then, when you read the descriptions of each type, the image is likely to clear.
Below you can see what the combinations stand for:
AX – 7 – The Enthusiast / The Epicure spontaneous, versatile, easily distracted and divided
AY – 8 – The Protector / The Boss Confident, Decisive, Willing and Confronting
AZ – 3 - The Performer / The Supplier customizable, best, driven and imaginative
BX – 9 – The Peacemaker / The Mediator receptive, calming, comfortable and complacent
BY – 4 – The Individualist / The Romantic expressive, dramatic, self-centered and moody
BZ – 5 - The Investigator / The Observer attentive, inventive, secretive and isolated
CX – 2 – The Helper / The Giver open-hearted, generous, gentle and accommodating
CY – 6 -The Loyal Skeptic / Loyal Trooper committed, responsible, anxious and suspicious
CZ – 1 - The Reformer / The Perfectionist principled, purposeful, controlled and perfectionistic